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How Yard Sales Can Make your Big Move Easier

I don’t know anyone who looks forward to packing before their big move. However, there is a way to make the packing process more worth your while. Having a yard sale pre-move is the perfect opportunity to sort through items as you pack and decide what items you want to take and what items you can sell. This will downsize the number of boxes you need to move and can even weed out some of that old furniture! Here are some great tips to help you plan a yard sale while packing!

Sort and Pack

The sorting and packing process is always easier if you start in the rooms you use the least. The items in these rooms tend to be belongings you either don’t need anymore, or that you won’t need before the move. This means you can mark them to sell or pack them now, so they are ready for moving day.

Here is what I recommend:

  • Pack items you are taking with you in boxes labelled by room.

  • For items you wish to sell, pack them in boxes labelled Yard Sale and place them somewhere out of the way.

  • Never use garbage bags for anything other than items you have decided to trash so you don’t throw anything out by accident!

  • Items such as magazines should be recycled.

  • Mark furniture you wish to sell with a large note and move them to the yard the morning of the sale.

Categorize and Price

Most yard sale enthusiasts have a system or are looking for items they already have in mind so it’s always a good idea to set up items in categories. Have kitchen items, dishware, knick knacks, art, clothes and of course furniture neatly displayed with clearly marked prices.

Haggling will be expected so it is often tempting to mark prices high. However, people will walk away if they see your prices seem unreasonable. As well make prices simple without a decimal point with even dollar amounts or exact change prices such as a quarter or fifty cents. Use painters’ tape for prices as it’s easy to size and it also peels off easily.

Get the Word Out

Take out an ad in the local papers and list the time, address and even a few of your better items on sale. Follow up with hand-made signs that you can post throughout the neighborhood (if this is allowed in your area) and don’t forget those local bulletin boards. On the day before the sale place Yard Sale signs on major roads around your home with your address and arrows pointing in the direction of the sale. Be certain to remove all signs after the yard sale to keep your neighborhood clean!

Once the sale is over, you can put the money towards your moving costs or consider giving the proceeds to a charity along with any items that don’t sell.

Email me for more information about how to sell your home.

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